I'm a student + developer from Singapore learning to make things with code. Having an interest since young, I now study information technology at a polytechnic, embark on interesting personal projects, and rage at random and obscure errors from time to time.
For as long as I can remember, tech has always been my kind of thing. As I
grew more acquainted with it, my enthusiasm in seeing how to further
benefit from it and develop it spread, too. My passion solidified when I
first started back in 2019 (a few
years ago!),
and I've explored new domains of coding ever since at my own pace. Right now,
full-stack dev, mobile app dev, and a bit of UI and UX seem to be my kind of
I'm a firm believer in the community behind code, so I try my best to learn to give back in my own way. I've run special interest groups at school, helped planned workshops across the world, and documented some parts of my journey publicly. With what tech and the people behind it can offer, there are many more exciting things to do!
I'm excited to get to know new people. Once you've gotten to know me a little better here, feel free to reach out if you'd like to say hi!
I love working on personal projects. Learning by doing is my modus operandi, and I believe that projects are great ways to learn something new with depth. When I work on them, I try with the best efforts I can give. The result of that are projects I'm proud to talk about, like those below here!
A friendly bot that lets you learn with a study buddy about anything.
An Android app for senior Singaporeans to understand content in digital services better.
An Android app that helps you find buddies to do activities with.
An automated IOT system for people with disabilities to adjust impediments in their environment to their needs.
A Telegram bot that helps you find the best public route to your destination.
A CLI tool that lets you teleport anywhere and run commands in an instant.
An app for students to understand their academic achievements better.
I tend to think of a lot of ideas from time to time that I'll put aside for different reasons. I'm hoping to (re)visit them when the time permits! What's here could be yours: feel free to have a look at making any one of them if you're keen.
A simple app to keep track of who owes you money.
An expense app used to split bills with friends.
A friendly multi-purpose Discord bot that helps your server experience better.
A modern redesign of the Meterological Service Singapore's weather website.
A site to compare differences in curated lyrics between songs.
My skills are always a work in progress, and there's always something to discover and learn. I've had the privilege of access opportunities to hone my skills, so I intend to keep going and get better at them. Especially with tech, there are just so many things waiting for you to find! 🚀
const skills = [
"friendlyName": "Objective-C",
"iconName": "vscode-icons:file-type-objectivec",
"yearLearnt": 2024,
"category": "Mobile"
"friendlyName": "Amazon Web Services",
"iconName": "simple-icons:amazonaws",
"yearLearnt": 2023,
"category": "Cloud"
"friendlyName": "ASP.NET Core",
"iconName": "simple-icons:dotnet",
"yearLearnt": 2023,
"category": "Web"
"friendlyName": "Java",
"iconName": "devicon-plain:java",
"yearLearnt": 2023,
"category": "Mobile"
"friendlyName": "Next.js",
"iconName": "simple-icons:nextdotjs",
"yearLearnt": 2022,
"category": "Web"
"friendlyName": "React",
"iconName": "simple-icons:react",
"yearLearnt": 2022,
"category": "Web"
"friendlyName": "TypeScript",
"iconName": "simple-icons:typescript",
"yearLearnt": 2022,
"category": "Web"
"friendlyName": "JavaScript",
"iconName": "simple-icons:javascript",
"yearLearnt": 2022,
"category": "Web"
"friendlyName": "Astro",
"iconName": "simple-icons:astro",
"yearLearnt": 2022,
"category": "Web"
"friendlyName": "C#",
"iconName": "simple-icons:csharp",
"yearLearnt": 2022,
"category": "Programming"
"friendlyName": "Node.js",
"iconName": "simple-icons:nodedotjs",
"yearLearnt": 2021,
"category": "Programming"
"friendlyName": "HTML5",
"iconName": "simple-icons:html5",
"yearLearnt": 2020,
"category": "Web"
"friendlyName": "CSS3",
"iconName": "simple-icons:css3",
"yearLearnt": 2020,
"category": "Web"
"friendlyName": "Python",
"iconName": "simple-icons:python",
"yearLearnt": 2020,
"category": "Programming"
"friendlyName": "Firebase",
"iconName": "simple-icons:firebase",
"yearLearnt": 2019,
"category": "Back end"
"friendlyName": "Swift",
"iconName": "simple-icons:swift",
"yearLearnt": 2019,
"category": "Mobile"
Don't be a stranger, especially now that you've scrolled this far! I'm always open to hearing about new opportunities, whether a new project or just a friendly chat. Feel free to reach out through any of the platforms below. I'm also now learning to step out of my comfort zone and meet new people, so I think it's all the more reason to connect and say hi!
function()Sharing experiences, thoughts, and stories about tech